beautiful lumps of coal
It's Been Awhile ...
[Friday, October 14, 2005 ::Master LeeĀ® ]

Hello My dearest Kindred.

Its been awhile since I've seen any of you ... Life has been good for me and my Princess. I'm happy with the relationship I have established with my daughter. Life isn't as I have planned it to go but somehow everything has worked out for the best.

Recently, Mistress Ice was here at Mt. Olympus .. healing herself and finally picking up the pieces. I guess that's how life is.. we stumble and fall .. we get up and dust ourselves. SummerWells will be leaving soon and starting another chapter in her life .. I wish her well. WE all do. The PhoneMonkey, Prodigy Child, GraveYardZombie, UberClyde and I are working under one company. Soo far soo good.. I will see you soon .. my love to all of you.

Princess Ada can talk now .... She's growing up to be a beautiful and bright girl. You'll all be proud of her .. You'll see her soon .. :)

- MasterLee - finally found Nemo.


The Kindred
Goddess Nemo
Omniscient Goddess
Uree the Diver
Graveyard Beauty
Divine Discontent
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Simply Pao
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Hogwarts Witch
Lady Gail
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It's Been Awhile ...
Phone Monkey, Out
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